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36R Aluminum Shift Knob

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The best things in life are simple, like anodized aluminum and a subtle logo. Simple, but done really well. It's hard, but try to not stare at it while driving. Available in multiple thread pitches to fit a wide variety of vehicles.

  • CNC machined 6061 aluminum
  • Fully threaded
  • Up to 28mm (1.1 in) of height adjustment
  • 36mm (1.4 in) in diameter & 99mm (3.9 in) tall
  • Available in 8x1.25, 10x1.25, 10x1.5, 12x1.25, & 16x1.5
  • Includes:
    • 1x stainless steel threaded adapter
    • a 23mm (0.9 in),  a 10mm (0.4 in), & a 5mm (0.2 in) brass spacer
  • Weight:
    • 224g (7.9oz) [no spacers] - 252g (8.9oz) [w/ 23mm & 5mm spacer]
  • European vehicles will require a Euro Thread Adapter

NOTE: the shift knob is threaded in 16x1.5 and will come will a threaded shim instead of a threaded adapter for the 16x1.5 option.


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